A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
#include <libopencm3/cm3/common.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | PERIPH_BASE_AHB (0x40000000U) |
#define | PERIPH_BASE_APB0 (0x40080000U) |
#define | PERIPH_BASE_APB1 (0x400A0000U) |
#define | PERIPH_BASE_APB2 (0x400C0000U) |
#define | PERIPH_BASE_APB3 (0x400E0000U) |
#define | SCT_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x00000) |
#define | GPDMA_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x02000) |
#define | SPIFI_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x03000) |
#define | SDIO_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x04000) |
#define | EMC_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x05000) |
#define | USB0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x06000) |
#define | USB1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x07000) |
#define | LCD_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x08000) |
#define | ETHERNET_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x10000) |
#define | ATIMER_BASE (0x40040000U) |
#define | BACKUP_REG_BASE (0x40041000U) |
#define | PMC_BASE (0x40042000U) |
#define | CREG_BASE (0x40043000U) |
#define | EVENTROUTER_BASE (0x40044000U) |
#define | OTP_BASE (0x40045000U) |
#define | RTC_BASE (0x40046000U) |
#define | CGU_BASE (0x40050000U) |
#define | CCU1_BASE (0x40051000U) |
#define | CCU2_BASE (0x40052000U) |
#define | RGU_BASE (0x40053000U) |
#define | WWDT_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x00000) |
#define | USART0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x01000) |
#define | UART1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x02000) |
#define | SSP0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x03000) |
#define | TIMER0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x04000) |
#define | TIMER1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x05000) |
#define | SCU_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x06000) |
#define | MCPWM_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x00000) |
#define | I2C0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x01000) |
#define | I2S0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x02000) |
#define | I2S1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x03000) |
#define | C_CCAN1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x04000) |
#define | RITIMER_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x00000) |
#define | USART2_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x01000) |
#define | USART3_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x02000) |
#define | TIMER2_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x03000) |
#define | TIMER3_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x04000) |
#define | SSP1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x05000) |
#define | QEI_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x06000) |
#define | GIMA_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x07000) |
#define | I2C1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x00000) |
#define | DAC_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x01000) |
#define | C_CAN0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x02000) |
#define | ADC0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x03000) |
#define | ADC1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x04000) |
#define | AES_BASE (0x400F1000U) |
#define | GPIO_PORT_BASE (0x400F4000U) |
#define | SPI_PORT_BASE (0x40100000U) |
#define | SGPIO_PORT_BASE (0x40101000U) |
#define ADC0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x03000) |
Definition at line 113 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define ADC1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x04000) |
Definition at line 114 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define AES_BASE (0x400F1000U) |
Definition at line 119 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define ATIMER_BASE (0x40040000U) |
Definition at line 53 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define BACKUP_REG_BASE (0x40041000U) |
Definition at line 54 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define C_CAN0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x02000) |
Definition at line 112 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define C_CCAN1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x04000) |
Definition at line 91 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define CCU1_BASE (0x40051000U) |
Definition at line 64 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define CCU2_BASE (0x40052000U) |
Definition at line 65 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define CGU_BASE (0x40050000U) |
Definition at line 63 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define CREG_BASE (0x40043000U) |
Definition at line 56 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define DAC_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x01000) |
Definition at line 111 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define EMC_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x05000) |
Definition at line 43 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define ETHERNET_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x10000) |
Definition at line 48 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define EVENTROUTER_BASE (0x40044000U) |
Definition at line 57 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define GIMA_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x07000) |
Definition at line 104 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define GPDMA_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x02000) |
Definition at line 40 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
Definition at line 80 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
Definition at line 81 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
Definition at line 79 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define GPIO_PORT_BASE (0x400F4000U) |
Definition at line 123 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define I2C0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x01000) |
Definition at line 88 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define I2C1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB3 + 0x00000) |
Definition at line 110 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define I2S0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x02000) |
Definition at line 89 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define I2S1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x03000) |
Definition at line 90 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define LCD_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x08000) |
Definition at line 46 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define MCPWM_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB1 + 0x00000) |
Definition at line 87 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define OTP_BASE (0x40045000U) |
Definition at line 58 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PERIPH_BASE_AHB (0x40000000U) |
Definition at line 29 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PERIPH_BASE_APB0 (0x40080000U) |
Definition at line 30 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PERIPH_BASE_APB1 (0x400A0000U) |
Definition at line 31 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PERIPH_BASE_APB2 (0x400C0000U) |
Definition at line 32 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PERIPH_BASE_APB3 (0x400E0000U) |
Definition at line 33 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define PMC_BASE (0x40042000U) |
Definition at line 55 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define QEI_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x06000) |
Definition at line 103 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define RGU_BASE (0x40053000U) |
Definition at line 66 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define RITIMER_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x00000) |
Definition at line 97 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define RTC_BASE (0x40046000U) |
Definition at line 59 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SCT_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x00000) |
Definition at line 38 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SCU_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x06000) |
Definition at line 78 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SDIO_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x04000) |
Definition at line 42 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SGPIO_PORT_BASE (0x40101000U) |
Definition at line 128 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SPI_PORT_BASE (0x40100000U) |
Definition at line 127 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SPIFI_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x03000) |
Definition at line 41 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SSP0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x03000) |
Definition at line 75 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define SSP1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x05000) |
Definition at line 102 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define TIMER0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x04000) |
Definition at line 76 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define TIMER1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x05000) |
Definition at line 77 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define TIMER2_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x03000) |
Definition at line 100 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define TIMER3_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x04000) |
Definition at line 101 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define UART1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x02000) |
Definition at line 74 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define USART0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x01000) |
Definition at line 73 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define USART2_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x01000) |
Definition at line 98 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define USART3_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB2 + 0x02000) |
Definition at line 99 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define USB0_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x06000) |
Definition at line 44 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define USB1_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_AHB + 0x07000) |
Definition at line 45 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.
#define WWDT_BASE (PERIPH_BASE_APB0 + 0x00000) |
Definition at line 72 of file lpc43xx/memorymap.h.