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Cortex-M System Control Space

The System Control Space (SCS) is a memory-mapped 4KB address space that provides 32-bit registers for configuration, status reporting and control. More...

Collaboration diagram for Cortex-M System Control Space:


 SCS Registers


#define SCS_DHCSR_DBGKEY   0xA05F0000
#define SCS_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN   0x00000001
#define SCS_DHCSR_C_HALT   0x00000002
#define SCS_DHCSR_C_STEP   0x00000004
#define SCS_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS   0x00000008
#define SCS_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL   0x00000020
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_REGRDY   0x00010000
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_HALT   0x00020000
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_SLEEP   0x00040000
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP   0x00080000
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST   0x01000000
#define SCS_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST   0x02000000
#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_MASK   0x0000001F
#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_XPSR   0x00000010
#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_MSP   0x00000011
#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_PSP   0x00000012
#define SCS_DEMCR_TRCENA   (1 << 24)
#define SCS_DEMCR_MON_REQ   (1 << 19)
#define SCS_DEMCR_MON_STEP   (1 << 18)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MON_PEND   (1 << 17)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MON_EN   (1 << 16)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR   (1 << 10)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_INTERR   (1 << 9)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR   (1 << 8)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_STATERR   (1 << 7)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR   (1 << 6)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR   (1 << 5)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MMERR   (1 << 4)
#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET   (1 << 0)
#define SCS_DWT_LSR   MMIO32(SCS_DWT_BASE + 0xFB4)
#define SCS_DWT_LAR   MMIO32(SCS_DWT_BASE + 0xFB0)

Detailed Description

The System Control Space (SCS) is a memory-mapped 4KB address space that provides 32-bit registers for configuration, status reporting and control.

The SCS registers divide into the following groups:

Most portions of the SCS are covered by their own header files, eg systick.h, dwt.h, scb.h, itm.h, fpb.h

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_MASK   0x0000001F

Definition at line 124 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_MSP   0x00000011

Definition at line 126 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_PSP   0x00000012

Definition at line 127 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DCRSR_REGSEL_XPSR   0x00000010

Definition at line 125 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_MON_REQ   (1 << 19)

Definition at line 133 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_MON_STEP   (1 << 18)

Definition at line 134 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_TRCENA   (1 << 24)

Definition at line 131 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_BUSERR   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 140 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_CHKERR   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 142 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_CORERESET   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 146 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_HARDERR   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 138 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_INTERR   (1 << 9)

Definition at line 139 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MMERR   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 144 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MON_EN   (1 << 16)

Definition at line 136 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_MON_PEND   (1 << 17)

Definition at line 135 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_NOCPERR   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 143 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DEMCR_VC_STATERR   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 141 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN   0x00000001

Definition at line 111 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_C_HALT   0x00000002

Definition at line 112 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_C_MASKINTS   0x00000008

Definition at line 114 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_C_SNAPSTALL   0x00000020

Definition at line 115 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_C_STEP   0x00000004

Definition at line 113 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_DBGKEY   0xA05F0000

Definition at line 110 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_HALT   0x00020000

Definition at line 117 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_LOCKUP   0x00080000

Definition at line 119 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_REGRDY   0x00010000

Definition at line 116 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST   0x02000000

Definition at line 121 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_RETIRE_ST   0x01000000

Definition at line 120 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DHCSR_S_SLEEP   0x00040000

Definition at line 118 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DWT_LAR   MMIO32(SCS_DWT_BASE + 0xFB0)

Definition at line 151 of file scs.h.


#define SCS_DWT_LSR   MMIO32(SCS_DWT_BASE + 0xFB4)

Definition at line 149 of file scs.h.