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Defined Constants and Types for the STM32F2xx SPI More...

Collaboration diagram for SPI Defines:


 SPI Register base address
 SPI lsb/msb first
 SPI peripheral baud rates
 SPI peripheral baud rate prescale values
 SPI clock polarity
 SPI clock phase
 SPI data frame format


#define SPI_CR1(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x00)
#define SPI1_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI1_BASE)
#define SPI2_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI2_BASE)
#define SPI3_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI3_BASE)
#define SPI_CR2(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x04)
#define SPI1_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI1_BASE)
#define SPI2_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI2_BASE)
#define SPI3_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI3_BASE)
#define SPI_SR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x08)
#define SPI1_SR   SPI_SR(SPI1_BASE)
#define SPI2_SR   SPI_SR(SPI2_BASE)
#define SPI3_SR   SPI_SR(SPI3_BASE)
#define SPI_DR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x0c)
#define SPI1_DR   SPI_DR(SPI1_BASE)
#define SPI2_DR   SPI_DR(SPI2_BASE)
#define SPI3_DR   SPI_DR(SPI3_BASE)
#define SPI_CRCPR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x10)
#define SPI_RXCRCR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x14)
#define SPI_TXCRCR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x18)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x1c)
#define SPI_I2SPR(spi_base)   MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x20)
#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_2LINE_UNIDIR   (0 << 15)
#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_1LINE_BIDIR   (1 << 15)
#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE   (1 << 15)
#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE   (1 << 14)
#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN   (1 << 13)
#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT   (1 << 12)
#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY   (1 << 10)
#define SPI_CR1_SSM   (1 << 9)
#define SPI_CR1_SSI   (1 << 8)
#define SPI_CR1_SPE   (1 << 6)
#define SPI_CR1_MSTR   (1 << 2)
#define SPI_CR1_CPOL   (1 << 1)
#define SPI_CR1_CPHA   (1 << 0)
#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE   (1 << 7)
#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE   (1 << 6)
#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE   (1 << 5)
#define SPI_CR2_SSOE   (1 << 2)
#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN   (1 << 1)
#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN   (1 << 0)
#define SPI_SR_BSY   (1 << 7)
#define SPI_SR_OVR   (1 << 6)
#define SPI_SR_MODF   (1 << 5)
#define SPI_SR_CRCERR   (1 << 4)
#define SPI_SR_UDR   (1 << 3)
#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE   (1 << 2)
#define SPI_SR_TXE   (1 << 1)
#define SPI_SR_RXNE   (1 << 0)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD   (1 << 11)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE   (1 << 10)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_LSB   8
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC   (1 << 7)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_LSB   4
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_PCM   0x3
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL   (1 << 3)
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_16BIT   0x0
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_24BIT   0x1
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_32BIT   0x2
#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN   (1 << 0)
#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE   (1 << 9)
#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD   (1 << 8)
#define SPI_CR2_FRF   (1 << 4)
#define SPI_CR2_FRF_MOTOROLA_MODE   (0 << 4)
#define SPI_CR2_FRF_TI_MODE   (1 << 4)
#define SPI_SR_TIFRFE   (1 << 8)
#define SPI_SR_FRE   (1 << 8)
#define SPI_CR1_DFF   (1 << 11)


void spi_enable (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable. More...
void spi_disable (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable. More...
uint16_t spi_clean_disable (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Clean Disable. More...
void spi_write (uint32_t spi, uint16_t data)
 SPI Data Write. More...
void spi_send (uint32_t spi, uint16_t data)
 SPI Data Write with Blocking. More...
uint16_t spi_read (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Data Read. More...
uint16_t spi_xfer (uint32_t spi, uint16_t data)
 SPI Data Write and Read Exchange. More...
void spi_set_bidirectional_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Mode. More...
void spi_set_unidirectional_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Unidirectional Mode. More...
void spi_set_bidirectional_receive_only_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Receive Only Mode. More...
void spi_set_bidirectional_transmit_only_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Receive Only Mode. More...
void spi_enable_crc (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable the CRC. More...
void spi_disable_crc (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable the CRC. More...
void spi_set_next_tx_from_buffer (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Next Transmit is a Data Word. More...
void spi_set_next_tx_from_crc (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Next Transmit is a CRC Word. More...
void spi_set_full_duplex_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Full Duplex (3-wire) Mode. More...
void spi_set_receive_only_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Receive Only Mode for Simplex (2-wire) Unidirectional Transfers. More...
void spi_disable_software_slave_management (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable Slave Management by Hardware. More...
void spi_enable_software_slave_management (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable Slave Management by Software. More...
void spi_set_nss_high (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Software NSS Signal High. More...
void spi_set_nss_low (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Software NSS Signal Low. More...
void spi_send_lsb_first (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set to Send LSB First. More...
void spi_send_msb_first (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set to Send MSB First. More...
void spi_set_baudrate_prescaler (uint32_t spi, uint8_t baudrate)
 SPI Set the Baudrate Prescaler. More...
void spi_set_master_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set to Master Mode. More...
void spi_set_slave_mode (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set to Slave Mode. More...
void spi_set_clock_polarity_1 (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Clock Polarity to High when Idle. More...
void spi_set_clock_polarity_0 (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Clock Polarity to Low when Idle. More...
void spi_set_clock_phase_1 (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Clock Phase to Capture on Trailing Edge. More...
void spi_set_clock_phase_0 (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the Clock Phase to Capture on Leading Edge. More...
void spi_enable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable the Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt. More...
void spi_disable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable the Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt. More...
void spi_enable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable the Receive Buffer Ready Interrupt. More...
void spi_disable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable the Receive Buffer Ready Interrupt. More...
void spi_enable_error_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable the Error Interrupt. More...
void spi_disable_error_interrupt (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable the Error Interrupt. More...
void spi_enable_ss_output (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the NSS Pin as an Output. More...
void spi_disable_ss_output (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set the NSS Pin as an Input. More...
void spi_enable_tx_dma (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable Transmit Transfers via DMA. More...
void spi_disable_tx_dma (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable Transmit Transfers via DMA. More...
void spi_enable_rx_dma (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Enable Receive Transfers via DMA. More...
void spi_disable_rx_dma (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Disable Receive Transfers via DMA. More...
void spi_set_standard_mode (uint32_t spi, uint8_t mode)
 SPI Standard Mode selection. More...
void spi_set_frf_ti (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Frame Format to TI. More...
void spi_set_frf_motorola (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Frame Format to Motorola. More...
int spi_init_master (uint32_t spi, uint32_t br, uint32_t cpol, uint32_t cpha, uint32_t dff, uint32_t lsbfirst)
 Configure the SPI as Master. More...
void spi_set_dff_8bit (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Data Frame Format to 8 bits. More...
void spi_set_dff_16bit (uint32_t spi)
 SPI Set Data Frame Format to 16 bits. More...

Detailed Description

Defined Constants and Types for the STM32F2xx SPI

5 December 2012

LGPL License Terms libopencm3 License

© 2009 Uwe Hermann
© 2011 Fergus Noble

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ SPI1_CR1

#define SPI1_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI1_BASE)

Definition at line 59 of file spi_common_all.h.

◆ SPI1_CR2

#define SPI1_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI1_BASE)

Definition at line 65 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 84 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI1_DR   SPI_DR(SPI1_BASE)

Definition at line 77 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 104 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 110 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 91 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI1_SR   SPI_SR(SPI1_BASE)

Definition at line 71 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 98 of file spi_common_all.h.

◆ SPI2_CR1

#define SPI2_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI2_BASE)

Definition at line 60 of file spi_common_all.h.

◆ SPI2_CR2

#define SPI2_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI2_BASE)

Definition at line 66 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 85 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI2_DR   SPI_DR(SPI2_BASE)

Definition at line 78 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 105 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 111 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 92 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI2_SR   SPI_SR(SPI2_BASE)

Definition at line 72 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 99 of file spi_common_all.h.

◆ SPI3_CR1

#define SPI3_CR1   SPI_CR1(SPI3_BASE)

Definition at line 61 of file spi_common_all.h.

◆ SPI3_CR2

#define SPI3_CR2   SPI_CR2(SPI3_BASE)

Definition at line 67 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 86 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI3_DR   SPI_DR(SPI3_BASE)

Definition at line 79 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 106 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 112 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 93 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI3_SR   SPI_SR(SPI3_BASE)

Definition at line 73 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 100 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1 (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x00)

Definition at line 58 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 121 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_1LINE_BIDIR   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 120 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE_2LINE_UNIDIR   (0 << 15)

Definition at line 119 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_BIDIOE   (1 << 14)

Definition at line 124 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_CPHA   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 207 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_CPOL   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 196 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_CRCEN   (1 << 13)

Definition at line 127 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 130 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_DFF   (1 << 11)

Definition at line 50 of file spi_common_v1.h.


#define SPI_CR1_MSTR   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 185 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_RXONLY   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 133 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_SPE   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 152 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_SSI   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 139 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR1_SSM   (1 << 9)

Definition at line 136 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2 (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x04)

Definition at line 64 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_ERRIE   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 220 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_FRF   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 42 of file spi_common_v1_frf.h.


#define SPI_CR2_FRF_MOTOROLA_MODE   (0 << 4)

Definition at line 43 of file spi_common_v1_frf.h.


#define SPI_CR2_FRF_TI_MODE   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 44 of file spi_common_v1_frf.h.


#define SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 232 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_RXNEIE   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 217 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_SSOE   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 226 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 229 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CR2_TXEIE   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 214 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_CRCPR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x10)

Definition at line 83 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_DR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x0c)

Definition at line 76 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x1c)

Definition at line 103 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 326 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_CKPOL   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 317 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_16BIT   0x0

Definition at line 321 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_24BIT   0x1

Definition at line 322 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN_32BIT   0x2

Definition at line 323 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 320 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG_LSB   8

Definition at line 298 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 302 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 301 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 300 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 299 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 295 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SMOD   (1 << 11)

Definition at line 292 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 311 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_LSB   4

Definition at line 310 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 313 of file spi_common_all.h.



Definition at line 312 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SSTD_PCM   0x3

Definition at line 314 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SCFGR_PCMSYNC   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 305 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SPR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x20)

Definition at line 109 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE   (1 << 9)

Definition at line 335 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_I2SPR_ODD   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 338 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_RXCRCR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x14)

Definition at line 90 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x08)

Definition at line 70 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_BSY   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 239 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_CHSIDE   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 258 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_CRCERR   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 250 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_FRE   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 50 of file spi_common_v1_frf.h.


#define SPI_SR_MODF   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 246 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_OVR   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 242 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_RXNE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 264 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_TIFRFE   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 49 of file spi_common_v1_frf.h.


#define SPI_SR_TXE   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 261 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_SR_UDR   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 254 of file spi_common_all.h.


#define SPI_TXCRCR (   spi_base)    MMIO32((spi_base) + 0x18)

Definition at line 97 of file spi_common_all.h.

Function Documentation

◆ spi_clean_disable()

uint16_t spi_clean_disable ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Clean Disable.

Disable the SPI peripheral according to the procedure in section 23.3.8 of the reference manual. This prevents corruption of any ongoing transfers and prevents the BSY flag from becoming unreliable.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
data Unsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data from final read.

Definition at line 104 of file spi_common_all.c.


◆ spi_disable()

void spi_disable ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable.

The SPI peripheral is disabled.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 84 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_SPE.

◆ spi_disable_crc()

void spi_disable_crc ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable the CRC.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 276 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_disable_error_interrupt()

void spi_disable_error_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable the Error Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 570 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_disable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt()

void spi_disable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable the Receive Buffer Ready Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 548 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_disable_rx_dma()

void spi_disable_rx_dma ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable Receive Transfers via DMA.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 651 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_disable_software_slave_management()

void spi_disable_software_slave_management ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable Slave Management by Hardware.

In slave mode the NSS hardware input is used as a select enable for the slave.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 342 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_disable_ss_output()

void spi_disable_ss_output ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the NSS Pin as an Input.

In master mode this allows the master to sense the presence of other masters. If NSS is then pulled low the master is placed into slave mode. In slave mode NSS becomes a slave enable.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 599 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_disable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt()

void spi_disable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable the Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 526 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_disable_tx_dma()

void spi_disable_tx_dma ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Disable Transmit Transfers via DMA.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 625 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_enable()

void spi_enable ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable.

The SPI peripheral is enabled.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 70 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_SPE.

◆ spi_enable_crc()

void spi_enable_crc ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable the CRC.

The SPI peripheral is set to use a CRC field for transmit and receive.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 265 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_CRCEN.

◆ spi_enable_error_interrupt()

void spi_enable_error_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable the Error Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 559 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_ERRIE.

◆ spi_enable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt()

void spi_enable_rx_buffer_not_empty_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable the Receive Buffer Ready Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 537 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_RXNEIE.

◆ spi_enable_rx_dma()

void spi_enable_rx_dma ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable Receive Transfers via DMA.

This allows received data streams to proceed unattended using DMA to move data from the receive buffer as data becomes available. The DMA channels provided for each SPI peripheral are given in the Technical Manual DMA section.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 640 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN.

◆ spi_enable_software_slave_management()

void spi_enable_software_slave_management ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable Slave Management by Software.

In slave mode the NSS hardware input is replaced by an internal software enable/disable of the slave (spi_set_nss_high).

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 356 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, SPI_CR1_SSM, and SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_enable_ss_output()

void spi_enable_ss_output ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the NSS Pin as an Output.

Normally used in master mode to allows the master to place all devices on the SPI bus into slave mode. Multimaster mode is not possible.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 584 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_SSOE.

◆ spi_enable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt()

void spi_enable_tx_buffer_empty_interrupt ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable the Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 515 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_TXEIE.

◆ spi_enable_tx_dma()

void spi_enable_tx_dma ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Enable Transmit Transfers via DMA.

This allows transmissions to proceed unattended using DMA to move data to the transmit buffer as it becomes available. The DMA channels provided for each SPI peripheral are given in the Technical Manual DMA section.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 614 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN.

◆ spi_init_master()

int spi_init_master ( uint32_t  spi,
uint32_t  br,
uint32_t  cpol,
uint32_t  cpha,
uint32_t  dff,
uint32_t  lsbfirst 

Configure the SPI as Master.

The SPI peripheral is configured as a master with communication parameters baudrate, data format 8/16 bits, frame format lsb/msb first, clock polarity and phase. The SPI enable, CRC enable and CRC next controls are not affected. These must be controlled separately.

To support multiple masters (dynamic switching between master and slave) you must set SSOE to 0 and select either software or hardware control of the NSS pin.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]brUnsigned int32. Baudrate SPI peripheral baud rates.
[in]cpolUnsigned int32. Clock polarity SPI clock polarity.
[in]cphaUnsigned int32. Clock Phase SPI clock phase.
[in]dffUnsigned int32. Data frame format 8/16 bits SPI data frame format.
[in]lsbfirstUnsigned int32. Frame format lsb/msb first SPI lsb/msb first.
int. Error code.

Definition at line 83 of file spi_common_v1.c.


◆ spi_read()

uint16_t spi_read ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Data Read.

Data is read from the SPI interface after the incoming transfer has finished.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
data Unsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data.

Definition at line 165 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_DR, SPI_SR, and SPI_SR_RXNE.

◆ spi_send()

void spi_send ( uint32_t  spi,
uint16_t  data 

SPI Data Write with Blocking.

Data is written to the SPI interface after the previous write transfer has finished.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]dataUnsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data to be written.

Definition at line 147 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_DR, SPI_SR, and SPI_SR_TXE.

◆ spi_send_lsb_first()

void spi_send_lsb_first ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set to Send LSB First.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 400 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_LSBFIRST.

◆ spi_send_msb_first()

void spi_send_msb_first ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set to Send MSB First.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 411 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_baudrate_prescaler()

void spi_set_baudrate_prescaler ( uint32_t  spi,
uint8_t  baudrate 

SPI Set the Baudrate Prescaler.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]baudrateUnsigned int8. Baudrate prescale value SPI peripheral baud rate prescale values.

Definition at line 426 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_bidirectional_mode()

void spi_set_bidirectional_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Mode.

The SPI peripheral is set for bidirectional transfers in two-wire simplex mode (using a clock wire and a bidirectional data wire).

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 205 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE.

◆ spi_set_bidirectional_receive_only_mode()

void spi_set_bidirectional_receive_only_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Receive Only Mode.

The SPI peripheral is set for bidirectional transfers in two-wire simplex mode (using a clock wire and a bidirectional data wire), and is placed in a receive state.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 235 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_BIDIMODE.

◆ spi_set_bidirectional_transmit_only_mode()

void spi_set_bidirectional_transmit_only_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Bidirectional Simplex Receive Only Mode.

The SPI peripheral is set for bidirectional transfers in two-wire simplex mode (using a clock wire and a bidirectional data wire), and is placed in a transmit state.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 251 of file spi_common_all.c.


◆ spi_set_clock_phase_0()

void spi_set_clock_phase_0 ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Clock Phase to Capture on Leading Edge.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
See also

Definition at line 504 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_clock_phase_1()

void spi_set_clock_phase_1 ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Clock Phase to Capture on Trailing Edge.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
See also

Definition at line 492 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_CPHA.

◆ spi_set_clock_polarity_0()

void spi_set_clock_polarity_0 ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Clock Polarity to Low when Idle.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
See also

Definition at line 480 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_clock_polarity_1()

void spi_set_clock_polarity_1 ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Clock Polarity to High when Idle.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
See also

Definition at line 468 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_CPOL.

◆ spi_set_dff_16bit()

void spi_set_dff_16bit ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Data Frame Format to 16 bits.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 122 of file spi_common_v1.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_DFF.

◆ spi_set_dff_8bit()

void spi_set_dff_8bit ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Data Frame Format to 8 bits.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 111 of file spi_common_v1.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_frf_motorola()

void spi_set_frf_motorola ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Frame Format to Motorola.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 53 of file spi_common_v1_frf.c.

References SPI_CR2.

◆ spi_set_frf_ti()

void spi_set_frf_ti ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Frame Format to TI.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 42 of file spi_common_v1_frf.c.

References SPI_CR2, and SPI_CR2_FRF.

◆ spi_set_full_duplex_mode()

void spi_set_full_duplex_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Full Duplex (3-wire) Mode.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 317 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_master_mode()

void spi_set_master_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set to Master Mode.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 445 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_MSTR.

◆ spi_set_next_tx_from_buffer()

void spi_set_next_tx_from_buffer ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Next Transmit is a Data Word.

The next transmission to take place is a data word from the transmit buffer. This must be called before transmission to distinguish between sending of a data or CRC word.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 291 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_next_tx_from_crc()

void spi_set_next_tx_from_crc ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Next Transmit is a CRC Word.

The next transmission to take place is a crc word from the hardware crc unit. This must be called before transmission to distinguish between sending of a data or CRC word.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 306 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_CRCNEXT.

◆ spi_set_nss_high()

void spi_set_nss_high ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Software NSS Signal High.

In slave mode, and only when software slave management is used, this replaces the NSS signal with a slave select enable signal.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 375 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_SSI.

◆ spi_set_nss_low()

void spi_set_nss_low ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set the Software NSS Signal Low.

In slave mode, and only when software slave management is used, this replaces the NSS signal with a slave select disable signal.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 389 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_receive_only_mode()

void spi_set_receive_only_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Receive Only Mode for Simplex (2-wire) Unidirectional Transfers.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 329 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, and SPI_CR1_RXONLY.

◆ spi_set_slave_mode()

void spi_set_slave_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set to Slave Mode.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 456 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_set_standard_mode()

void spi_set_standard_mode ( uint32_t  spi,
uint8_t  mode 

SPI Standard Mode selection.

Set SPI standard Modes

0 0 0
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 1 1
[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]modeUnsigned int8. Standard SPI mode (0, 1, 2, 3)
See also
spi_set_clock_phase_0 spi_set_clock_phase_1
spi_set_clock_polarity_0 spi_set_clock_polarity_1

Definition at line 671 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1, SPI_CR1_CPHA, and SPI_CR1_CPOL.

◆ spi_set_unidirectional_mode()

void spi_set_unidirectional_mode ( uint32_t  spi)

SPI Set Unidirectional Mode.

The SPI peripheral is set for unidirectional transfers. This is used in full duplex mode or when the SPI is placed in two-wire simplex mode that uses a clock wire and a unidirectional data wire.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.

Definition at line 220 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_CR1.

◆ spi_write()

void spi_write ( uint32_t  spi,
uint16_t  data 

SPI Data Write.

Data is written to the SPI interface.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]dataUnsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data to be written.

Definition at line 131 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_DR.

Referenced by spi_xfer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spi_xfer()

uint16_t spi_xfer ( uint32_t  spi,
uint16_t  data 

SPI Data Write and Read Exchange.

Data is written to the SPI interface, then a read is done after the incoming transfer has finished.

[in]spiUnsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier SPI Register base address.
[in]dataUnsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data to be written.
data Unsigned int16. 8 or 16 bit data.

Definition at line 185 of file spi_common_all.c.

References SPI_DR, SPI_SR, SPI_SR_RXNE, and spi_write().

Here is the call graph for this function: