#define | RTC_TR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x00) |
| RTC time register (RTC_TR) More...
#define | RTC_DR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x04) |
| RTC date register (RTC_DR) More...
#define | RTC_CR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x08) |
| RTC control register (RTC_CR) More...
#define | RTC_ISR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x0c) |
| RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR) More...
#define | RTC_PRER MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x10) |
| RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER) More...
#define | RTC_WUTR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x14) |
| RTC wakeup timer register (RTC_WUTR) More...
#define | RTC_CALIBR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x18) |
| RTC calibration register (RTC_CALIBR) NB: see also RTC_CALR. More...
#define | RTC_ALRMAR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x1c) |
| RTC alarm X register (RTC_ALRMxR) More...
#define | RTC_ALRMBR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x20) |
#define | RTC_WPR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x24) |
| RTC write protection register (RTC_WPR) More...
#define | RTC_SSR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x28) |
| RTC sub second register (RTC_SSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define | RTC_SHIFTR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x2c) |
| RTC shift control register (RTC_SHIFTR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define | RTC_TSTR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x30) |
| RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR) More...
#define | RTC_TSDR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x34) |
| RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR) More...
#define | RTC_TSSSR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x38) |
| RTC timestamp sub second register (RTC_TSSSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define | RTC_CALR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x3c) |
| RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define | RTC_TAFCR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x40) |
| RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR) More...
#define | RTC_ALRMASSR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x44) |
| RTC alarm X sub second register (RTC_ALRMxSSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define | RTC_ALRMBSSR MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x48) |
#define | RTC_BKP_BASE (RTC_BASE + 0x50) |
#define | RTC_BKPXR(reg) MMIO32(RTC_BKP_BASE + (4 * (reg))) |
| RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) More...