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Real Time Clock registers. More...

Collaboration diagram for RTC Registers:


 RTC Time register (RTC_TR) values
 Note: Bits [31:23], 15, and 7 are reserved, and must be kept at reset value.
 RTC Date register (RTC_DR) values
 Note: Bits [31:24] and [7:6] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value.
 RTC control register (RTC_CR) values
 Note: Bits [31:24] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value.
 RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR) values
 Note: Bits [31:17] and [15] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value.
 RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER) values
 RTC Alarm register values
 Applies to RTC_ALRMAR and RTC_ALRMBR.
 RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR) values
 RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR) values
 RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) values
 RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR) values


#define RTC_TR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x00)
 RTC time register (RTC_TR) More...
#define RTC_DR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x04)
 RTC date register (RTC_DR) More...
#define RTC_CR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x08)
 RTC control register (RTC_CR) More...
#define RTC_ISR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x0c)
 RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR) More...
#define RTC_PRER   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x10)
 RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER) More...
#define RTC_WUTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x14)
 RTC wakeup timer register (RTC_WUTR) More...
#define RTC_CALIBR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x18)
 RTC calibration register (RTC_CALIBR) NB: see also RTC_CALR. More...
#define RTC_ALRMAR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x1c)
 RTC alarm X register (RTC_ALRMxR) More...
#define RTC_ALRMBR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x20)
#define RTC_WPR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x24)
 RTC write protection register (RTC_WPR) More...
#define RTC_SSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x28)
 RTC sub second register (RTC_SSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define RTC_SHIFTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x2c)
 RTC shift control register (RTC_SHIFTR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define RTC_TSTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x30)
 RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR) More...
#define RTC_TSDR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x34)
 RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR) More...
#define RTC_TSSSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x38)
 RTC timestamp sub second register (RTC_TSSSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define RTC_CALR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x3c)
 RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define RTC_TAFCR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x40)
 RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR) More...
#define RTC_ALRMASSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x44)
 RTC alarm X sub second register (RTC_ALRMxSSR) (high and med+ only) More...
#define RTC_ALRMBSSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x48)
#define RTC_BKP_BASE   (RTC_BASE + 0x50)
#define RTC_BKPXR(reg)   MMIO32(RTC_BKP_BASE + (4 * (reg)))
 RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) More...

Detailed Description

Real Time Clock registers.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RTC_ALRMAR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x1c)

RTC alarm X register (RTC_ALRMxR)

Definition at line 70 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_ALRMASSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x44)

RTC alarm X sub second register (RTC_ALRMxSSR) (high and med+ only)

Definition at line 96 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_ALRMBR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x20)

Definition at line 71 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_ALRMBSSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x48)

Definition at line 97 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_BKP_BASE   (RTC_BASE + 0x50)

Definition at line 99 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_BKPXR (   reg)    MMIO32(RTC_BKP_BASE + (4 * (reg)))

RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR)

Definition at line 101 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_CALIBR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x18)

RTC calibration register (RTC_CALIBR) NB: see also RTC_CALR.

Definition at line 67 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_CALR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x3c)

RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) (high and med+ only)

Definition at line 90 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_CR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x08)

RTC control register (RTC_CR)

Definition at line 55 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_DR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x04)

RTC date register (RTC_DR)

Definition at line 52 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_ISR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x0c)

RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR)

Definition at line 58 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_PRER   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x10)

RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER)

Definition at line 61 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_SHIFTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x2c)

RTC shift control register (RTC_SHIFTR) (high and med+ only)

Definition at line 80 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_SSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x28)

RTC sub second register (RTC_SSR) (high and med+ only)

Definition at line 77 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_TAFCR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x40)

RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR)

Definition at line 93 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_TR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x00)

RTC time register (RTC_TR)

Definition at line 49 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_TSDR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x34)

RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR)

Definition at line 85 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_TSSSR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x38)

RTC timestamp sub second register (RTC_TSSSR) (high and med+ only)

Definition at line 87 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_TSTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x30)

RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR)

Definition at line 83 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_WPR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x24)

RTC write protection register (RTC_WPR)

Definition at line 74 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.


#define RTC_WUTR   MMIO32(RTC_BASE + 0x14)

RTC wakeup timer register (RTC_WUTR)

Definition at line 64 of file rtc_common_l1f024.h.