▼CM3 Defines | Defined Constants and Types for Cortex M3 core features |
Debugging | Macros and functions to aid in debugging |
►Cortex Core Defines | libopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the Cortex Core |
Cortex Core Atomic support Defines | Atomic operation support |
Cortex-M Data Watch and Trace unit. | System Control Space (SCS) => Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) |
Cortex-M Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB) unit | |
Cortex-M Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) | |
►Cortex-M MPU Defines | libopencm3 Cortex Memory Protection Unit |
MPU Registers | |
MPU TYPE register fields | The MPU_TYPE register is always available, even if the MPU is not implemented |
MPU CTRL register fields | Defines for the Control Register |
MPU RNR register fields | Defines for the Region Number Register |
MPU RBAR register fields | Defines for the Region Base Address Register |
►MPU RASR register fields | Defines for the Region Attribute and Size Register |
MPU RASR Attributes | Not all attributes are available on v6m |
►Cortex-M NVIC Defines | libopencm3 Cortex Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller |
NVIC Registers | |
Cortex M0/M3/M4 System Interrupts | IRQ numbers -3 and -6 to -9 are reserved |
User interrupts for STM32 L4 series | |
►Cortex-M System Control Block | The System Control Block is a section of the System Control Space |
SCB Registers | |
SCB_CPUID Values | |
SCB_ICSR Values | |
SCB_VTOR Values | |
SCB_AICR Values | |
SCB_SCR Values | |
SCB_CCR Values | |
►Cortex-M System Control Space | The System Control Space (SCS) is a memory-mapped 4KB address space that provides 32-bit registers for configuration, status reporting and control |
SCS Registers | |
►Cortex-M SysTick Defines | libopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the Cortex SysTick |
►STK_CSR Values | |
Clock source selection | |
STK_RVR Values | |
STK_CALIB Values | |
Cortex-M Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) | |
▼Cortex Core Peripheral APIs | APIs for Cortex Core peripherals |
DWT | libopencm3 Cortex-M Data Watchpoint and Trace unit |
NVIC | libopencm3 Cortex Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller |
SCB | libopencm3 Cortex-M System Control Block |
SysTick | libopencm3 Cortex System Tick Timer |
Coresight Registers | CoreSight Lock Status Registers and Lock Access Registers are documented for the DWT, ITM, FPB and TPIU peripherals |
▼Peripheral APIs | APIs for device peripherals |
QuadSPI peripheral API | APIs for the specialized SPI Flash peripheral |
DMA peripheral API | DMA library for the multi channel controller found in F0/1/3 & L/G parts |
FLASH peripheral API | libopencm3 STM32L4xx FLASH |
PWR peripheral API | libopencm3 STM32L4xx Power Control |
RCC peripheral API | libopencm3 STM32L4xx Reset and Clock Control |
ADC peripheral API | |
CRC peripheral API | |
CRS peripheral API | (USB) STM32 Clock Recovery Subsystem |
DAC peripheral API | Digital to Analog Converter |
EXTI peripheral API | |
GPIO peripheral API | |
I2C peripheral API | |
IWDG peripheral API | |
LPTIM peripheral API | |
RNG peripheral API | This library supports "version 1" of the random number generator peripheral (RNG) in the STM32 series of ARM Cortex Microcontrollers by ST Microelectronics |
RTC peripheral API | |
SPI peripheral API | |
TIMER peripheral API | |
USART peripheral API | |
STM32L4xx | Libraries for ST Microelectronics STM32L4xx series |
▼STM32L4xx Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx series |
►ADC Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Analog to Digital Converter |
ADC register base addresses | |
ADC Channel Numbers | |
ADC Sample Time Selection values | |
ADC registers | |
ISR ADC interrupt status register | |
IER ADC interrupt enable register | |
CR ADC control register | |
►CFGR1 ADC configuration register 1 | |
EXTEN: External trigger enable and polarity selection for regular channels | |
RES: Data resolution | |
SMPR ADC sample time register | |
CFGR2 ADC configuration register 2 | |
TR1 ADC watchdog threshold register 1 | |
CCR ADC common configuration register | |
►CRC Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx CRC Generator |
CRC Registers | |
►CRC_CR values | |
CRC Reverse input options | |
CRC Polynomial size | |
CRS Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the Clock Recovery System |
►DAC Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx DAC |
DAC register base addresses | |
DAC Registers | |
►DAC_CR values | |
DAC Channel 2 Trigger Source Selection | |
DAC Channel 1 Trigger Source Selection | |
DAC_SWTRIGR Values | |
DAC_DHRxxx Values | |
DAC_DORx Values | |
DAC_SR Values | |
DAC Channel Identifier | |
►DMA Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx DMA Controller |
DMA Interrupt Flag Offsets within channel flag | Group |
DMA Channel Priority Levels | |
DMA Channel Memory Word Width | |
DMA Channel Peripheral Word Width | |
DMA Channel Number | |
►EXTI Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx EXTI Control |
EXTI Registers | |
►FLASH Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Flash Control |
Flash_acr_values | |
►GPIO Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx General Purpose I/O |
GPIO Output Pin Speed | |
GPIO Pin Identifiers | |
GPIO Port IDs | |
GPIO Pin Direction and Analog/Digital Mode | |
GPIO Output Pin Driver Type | |
GPIO Output Pin Pullup | |
Alternate Function Pin Selection | |
►I2C Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx I2C |
I2C register base address | |
►IWDG Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Independent Watchdog Timer |
IWDG Key Values | |
IWDG prescaler divider | |
IWDG Status Register Values | |
►LPTIM Defines | libopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Low Power Timer |
Low Power Timer register base addresses | |
LPTIM_ISR Interrupt and Status Register | |
LPTIM_ICR Interrupt Clear Register | |
LPTIM_IER Interrupt Enable Register | |
►LPTIM_CFGR Configuration Register | |
LPTIM_CFGR CKPOL Clock Polarity | |
LPTIM_CFGR CKFLT Configurable digital filter for external clock | |
LPTIM_CFGR TRGFLT Configurable digital filter for trigger | |
LPTIM_CFGR PRESC Clock prescaler | |
LPTIM_CFGR TRIGSEL Trigger selector | |
LPTIM_CFGR TRIGEN Trigger enable and polarity | |
LPTIM_CR Control Register | |
►PWR Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Power Control |
PVD level selection | |
►QuadSPI Defines | Defined constants and types for the STM32L4 QuadSPI peripheral |
QuadSPI Registers | |
►RCC Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Reset and Clock Control |
►RCC Registers | Reset / Clock Control Registers |
RCC_CR values | Clock Control register values |
RCC_CR values | Clock Control register values |
MSI Range | Range of the MSI oscillator Twelve frequency ranges are available: 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 400 kHz, 800 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 4 MHz (default value), 8 MHz, 16 MHz, 24 MHz, 32 MHz and 48 MHz |
RCC_CFGR APBx prescale factors | These can be used for both APB1 and APB2 prescaling |
RCC_CFGR AHB prescale factors | |
RCC_PLLCFGR PLLN values | Allowed values 8 <= n <= 86 |
RCC_PLLCFGR PLLM values | Allowed values 1 <= m <= 8 |
►RCC_AHBxRSTR reset values (full set) | |
RCC_AHB1RSTR reset values | |
RCC_AHB2RSTR reset values | |
RCC_AHB3RSTR reset values | |
►RCC_APB1RSTRx reset values (full set) | |
RCC_APB1RSTR1 reset values | |
RCC_APB1RSTR2 reset values | |
RCC_APB2RSTR reset values | |
►RCC_AHBxENR enable values (full set) | |
RCC_AHB1ENR enable values | |
RCC_AHB2ENR enable values | |
RCC_AHB3ENR enable values | |
►RCC_APB1ENRx enable values (full set) | |
RCC_APB1ENR1 enable values | |
RCC_APB1ENR2 enable values | |
RCC_APB2ENR enable values | |
MSI Range after standby values | Range of the MSI oscillator after returning from standby |
►RTC Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx RTC |
►RTC Registers | Real Time Clock registers |
RTC Time register (RTC_TR) values | Note: Bits [31:23], 15, and 7 are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC Date register (RTC_DR) values | Note: Bits [31:24] and [7:6] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
►RTC control register (RTC_CR) values | Note: Bits [31:24] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC_CR_OSEL: Output selection values | These bits are used to select the flag to be routed to AFO_ALARM RTC output |
RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR) values | Note: Bits [31:17] and [15] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER) values | |
RTC Alarm register values | Applies to RTC_ALRMAR and RTC_ALRMBR |
RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR) values | |
RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR) values | |
RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) values | |
RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR) values | |
RTC Time register (RTC_TR) values | Note: Bits [31:23], 15, and 7 are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC Date register (RTC_DR) values | Note: Bits [31:24] and [7:6] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
►RTC control register (RTC_CR) values | Note: Bits [31:24] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC_CR_OSEL: Output selection values | These bits are used to select the flag to be routed to AFO_ALARM RTC output |
RTC initialization and status register (RTC_ISR) values | Note: Bits [31:17] and [15] are reserved, and must be kept at reset value |
RTC prescaler register (RTC_PRER) values | |
RTC Alarm register values | Applies to RTC_ALRMAR and RTC_ALRMBR |
RTC time stamp time register (RTC_TSTR) values | |
RTC time stamp date register (RTC_TSDR) values | |
RTC calibration register (RTC_CALR) values | |
RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAFCR) values | |
►SPI Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx SPI |
SPI Register base address | |
SPI lsb/msb first | |
SPI peripheral baud rates | |
SPI peripheral baud rate prescale values | |
SPI clock polarity | |
SPI clock phase | |
SPI crc length | |
SPI data size | |
SYSCFG Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Sysconfig |
►Timer Defines | libopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx Timers |
Timer register base addresses | |
TIMx_CR1 CKD[1:0] Clock Division Ratio | |
TIMx_CR1 CMS[1:0]: Center-aligned Mode Selection | |
TIMx_CR1 DIR: Direction | |
TIMx_CR2_OIS: Force Output Idle State Control Values | |
TIMx_CR2 MMS[6:4]: Master Mode Selection | |
TIMx_SMCR TS Trigger selection | |
TIMx_SMCR SMS Slave mode selection | |
TIMx_DIER Timer DMA and Interrupt Enable Values | |
TIMx_SR Timer Status Register Flags | |
TIMx_EGR Timer Event Generator Values | |
TIM_BDTR_LOCK Timer Lock Values | |
►USART Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32L4xx USART |
USART Parity Selection | |
USART Tx/Rx Mode Selection | |
USART Stop Bit Selection | |
USART Hardware Flow Control Selection | |
USART Registers | |
U(S)ART convenience Flags | We define the "common" lower flag bits using a standard name, allowing them to be used regardless of which usart peripheral version you have |
USART_CR1 Values | |
►USART_CR2 Values | |
Auto baud rate mode | ABRMOD[1:0]: Auto baud rate mode |
USART_CR3 Values | |
USART_GTPR Values | |
USART_RTOR Values | |
USART_RQR Values | |
USART_ISR Values | |
USART_ICR Values | |
USART_RDR/TDR Values | |
User interrupt service routines (ISR) prototypes for STM32 L4 series | |
USART register base addresses | Holds all the U(S)ART peripherals supported |
▼CAN defines | libopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for STM32 CAN |
CAN register base address | |
USB Defines | Defined Constants and Types for the STM32F* USB drivers |
USB Audio Type Definitions | Defined Constants and Types for the USB Audio Type Definitions |
USB CDC Type Definitions | Defined Constants and Types for the USB CDC Type Definitions |
USB HID Type Definitions | Defined Constants and Types for the USB HID Type Definitions |
USB MSC Type Definitions | Defined Constants and Types for the USB MSC Type Definitions |
USB Drivers | Defined Constants and Types for the USB Drivers |
USB Standard Structure Definitions | Defined Constants and Types for the USB Standard Structure Definitions |
CAN | libopencm3 STM32Fxxx CAN |
User interrupt service routines (ISR) defaults for STM32 L4 series | |
Generic USB Drivers | Generic USB Drivers |
Generic USB Control Requests | Generic USB Control Requests |
Generic USB Standard Request Interface | Generic USB Standard Request Interface |
Usb_msc | |