A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 CM3 DefinesDefined Constants and Types for Cortex M3 core features
 DebuggingMacros and functions to aid in debugging
 Cortex Core Defineslibopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the Cortex Core
 Cortex Core Atomic support DefinesAtomic operation support
 Cortex-M Data Watch and Trace unit.System Control Space (SCS) => Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
 Cortex-M Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB) unit
 Cortex-M Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
 Cortex-M MPU Defineslibopencm3 Cortex Memory Protection Unit
 MPU Registers
 MPU TYPE register fieldsThe MPU_TYPE register is always available, even if the MPU is not implemented
 MPU CTRL register fieldsDefines for the Control Register
 MPU RNR register fieldsDefines for the Region Number Register
 MPU RBAR register fieldsDefines for the Region Base Address Register
 MPU RASR register fieldsDefines for the Region Attribute and Size Register
 MPU RASR AttributesNot all attributes are available on v6m
 Cortex-M NVIC Defineslibopencm3 Cortex Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
 NVIC Registers
 Cortex M0/M3/M4 System InterruptsIRQ numbers -3 and -6 to -9 are reserved
 User interrupts for LM3S series
 Cortex-M System Control BlockThe System Control Block is a section of the System Control Space
 SCB Registers
 SCB_ICSR Values
 SCB_VTOR Values
 SCB_AICR Values
 SCB_SCR Values
 SCB_CCR Values
 Cortex-M System Control SpaceThe System Control Space (SCS) is a memory-mapped 4KB address space that provides 32-bit registers for configuration, status reporting and control
 SCS Registers
 Cortex-M SysTick Defineslibopencm3 Defined Constants and Types for the Cortex SysTick
 STK_CSR Values
 Clock source selection
 STK_RVR Values
 Cortex-M Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
 Cortex Core Peripheral APIsAPIs for Cortex Core peripherals
 DWTlibopencm3 Cortex-M Data Watchpoint and Trace unit
 NVIClibopencm3 Cortex Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
 SCBlibopencm3 Cortex-M System Control Block
 SysTicklibopencm3 Cortex System Tick Timer
 Coresight RegistersCoreSight Lock Status Registers and Lock Access Registers are documented for the DWT, ITM, FPB and TPIU peripherals
 LM4FLibraries for TI Stellaris LM4F series
 GPIOlibopencm3 LM4F General Purpose I/O
 GPIO pin configurationEnabling and configuring GPIO pins
 GPIO pin controlControlling GPIO pins
 GPIO Interrupt controlConfiguring interrupts from GPIO pins
 RCClibopencm3 LM4F Clock control API
 Low-level clock control API
 High-level clock control API
 UARTlibopencm3 LM4F Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
 UART configurationEnabling and configuring the UART
 UART transmission and receptionSending and receiving data through the UART
 UART Interrupt controlConfiguring interrupts from the UART
 UART DMA controlEnabling Direct Memory Access transfers for the UART
 UART FIFO controlEnabling and controlling UART FIFO
 USBlibopencm3 LM4F Universal Serial Bus controller
 LM4F DefinesDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F series
 General Purpose I/O DefinesDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F General Purpose I/O
 GPIO register base addresses
 GPIO pin identifiers
 Nested Vectored Interrupt ControllerDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
 Reset and Clock ControlDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F Reset and Clock Control
 Synchronous Serial InterfaceDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)
 SSI register base addresses
 System ControlDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F System Control
 General Purpose TimersDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F General Purpose Timers
 GP Timer registersUnless otherwise specified, these registers are RW
 UART ControlDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F UART Control
 UART register base addresses
 USB ControllerDefined Constants and Types for the LM4F USB Controller
 User interrupt service routines (ISR) prototypes for LM3S series
 USB Audio Type DefinitionsDefined Constants and Types for the USB Audio Type Definitions
 USB CDC Type DefinitionsDefined Constants and Types for the USB CDC Type Definitions
 USB HID Type DefinitionsDefined Constants and Types for the USB HID Type Definitions
 USB MSC Type DefinitionsDefined Constants and Types for the USB MSC Type Definitions
 USB DriversDefined Constants and Types for the USB Drivers
 USB Standard Structure DefinitionsDefined Constants and Types for the USB Standard Structure Definitions
 User interrupt service routines (ISR) defaults for LM3S series
 Generic USB DriversGeneric USB Drivers
 Generic USB Control RequestsGeneric USB Control Requests
 Generic USB Standard Request InterfaceGeneric USB Standard Request Interface