A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.

Defined Constants and Types for the STM32F7xx I2C More...

Collaboration diagram for I2C Defines:


 I2C register base address


#define I2C_CR1(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x00)
#define I2C1_CR1   I2C_CR1(I2C1)
#define I2C2_CR1   I2C_CR1(I2C2)
#define I2C_CR2(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x04)
#define I2C1_CR2   I2C_CR2(I2C1)
#define I2C2_CR2   I2C_CR2(I2C2)
#define I2C_OAR1(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x08)
#define I2C1_OAR1   I2C_OAR1(I2C1)
#define I2C2_OAR1   I2C_OAR1(I2C2)
#define I2C_OAR2(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x0c)
#define I2C1_OAR2   I2C_OAR2(I2C1)
#define I2C2_OAR2   I2C_OAR2(I2C2)
#define I2C_TIMINGR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x10)
#define I2C1_TIMINGR   I2C_TIMINGR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_TIMINGR   I2C_TIMINGR(I2C2)
#define I2C_TIMEOUTR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x14)
#define I2C_ISR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x18)
#define I2C1_ISR   I2C_ISR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_ISR   I2C_ISR(I2C2)
#define I2C_ICR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x1C)
#define I2C1_ICR   I2C_ICR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_ICR   I2C_ICR(I2C2)
#define I2C_PECR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x20)
#define I2C1_PECR   I2C_PECR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_PECR   I2C_PECR(I2C2)
#define I2C_RXDR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x24)
#define I2C1_RXDR   I2C_RXDR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_RXDR   I2C_RXDR(I2C2)
#define I2C_TXDR(i2c_base)   MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x28)
#define I2C1_TXDR   I2C_TXDR(I2C1)
#define I2C2_TXDR   I2C_TXDR(I2C2)
#define I2C_CR1_PECEN   (1 << 23)
#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN   (1 << 22)
#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN   (1 << 21)
#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN   (1 << 20)
#define I2C_CR1_GCEN   (1 << 19)
#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN   (1 << 18)
#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH   (1 << 17)
#define I2C_CR1_SBC   (1 << 16)
#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN   (1 << 15)
#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN   (1 << 14)
#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF   (1 << 12)
#define I2C_CR1_DNF_MASK   0xF
 DNF[3:0]: Digital noise filter. More...
#define I2C_CR1_DNF_SHIFT   8
#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE   (1 << 7)
#define I2C_CR1_TCIE   (1 << 6)
#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE   (1 << 5)
#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE   (1 << 4)
#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE   (1 << 3)
#define I2C_CR1_RXIE   (1 << 2)
#define I2C_CR1_TXIE   (1 << 1)
#define I2C_CR1_PE   (1 << 0)
#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE   (1 << 26)
#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND   (1 << 25)
#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD   (1 << 24)
#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_SHIFT   16
#define I2C_CR2_NACK   (1 << 15)
#define I2C_CR2_STOP   (1 << 14)
#define I2C_CR2_START   (1 << 13)
#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R   (1 << 12)
#define I2C_CR2_ADD10   (1 << 11)
#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN   (1 << 10)
#define I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_SHIFT   1
#define I2C_CR2_SADD_10BIT_SHIFT   0
#define I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_MASK   (0x7F << I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_SHIFT)
#define I2C_CR2_SADD_10BIT_MASK   0x3FF
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_DISABLE   (0x0 << 15)
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_ENABLE   (0x1 << 15)
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE   (1 << 10)
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_7BIT   0
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_10BIT   1
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1   (1 << 10)
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_7BIT   0
#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_10BIT   1
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN   (1 << 15)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_NO_MASK   (0x0 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_2   (0x1 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_3   (0x2 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_4   (0x3 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_5   (0x4 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_6   (0x5 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7   (0x6 << 8)
#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_NO_CMP   (0x7 << 8)
#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_MASK   (0xF << 28)
#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TEXTEN   (1 << 31)
#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIMOUTEN   (1 << 15)
#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIDLE_SCL_LOW   (0x0 << 12)
#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIDLE_SCL_SDA_HIGH   (0x1 << 12)
#define I2C_ISR_DIR_READ   (0x1 << 16)
#define I2C_ISR_DIR_WRITE   (0x0 << 16)
#define I2C_ISR_BUSY   (1 << 15)
#define I2C_ISR_ALERT   (1 << 13)
#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT   (1 << 12)
#define I2C_ISR_PECERR   (1 << 11)
#define I2C_ISR_OVR   (1 << 10)
#define I2C_ISR_ARLO   (1 << 9)
#define I2C_ISR_BERR   (1 << 8)
#define I2C_ISR_TCR   (1 << 7)
#define I2C_ISR_TC   (1 << 6)
#define I2C_ISR_STOPF   (1 << 5)
#define I2C_ISR_NACKF   (1 << 4)
#define I2C_ISR_ADDR   (1 << 3)
#define I2C_ISR_RXNE   (1 << 2)
#define I2C_ISR_TXIS   (1 << 1)
#define I2C_ISR_TXE   (1 << 0)
#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF   (1 << 13)
#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF   (1 << 12)
#define I2C_ICR_PECCF   (1 << 11)
#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF   (1 << 10)
#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF   (1 << 9)
#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF   (1 << 8)
#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF   (1 << 5)
#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF   (1 << 4)
#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF   (1 << 3)


enum  i2c_speeds { i2c_speed_sm_100k , i2c_speed_fm_400k , i2c_speed_fmp_1m , i2c_speed_unknown }
 I2C speed modes. More...


void i2c_peripheral_enable (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Peripheral Enable. More...
void i2c_peripheral_disable (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Peripheral Disable. More...
void i2c_send_start (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Send Start Condition. More...
void i2c_send_stop (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Send Stop Condition. More...
void i2c_clear_stop (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Clear Stop Flag. More...
void i2c_set_own_7bit_slave_address (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t slave)
 I2C Set the 7 bit Slave Address for the Peripheral. More...
void i2c_set_own_10bit_slave_address (uint32_t i2c, uint16_t slave)
 I2C Set the 10 bit Slave Address for the Peripheral. More...
void i2c_send_data (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t data)
 I2C Send Data. More...
uint8_t i2c_get_data (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Get Data. More...
void i2c_enable_analog_filter (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_disable_analog_filter (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_digital_filter (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t dnf_setting)
 Set the I2C digital filter. More...
void i2c_set_prescaler (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t presc)
void i2c_set_data_setup_time (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t s_time)
void i2c_set_data_hold_time (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t h_time)
void i2c_set_scl_high_period (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t period)
void i2c_set_scl_low_period (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t period)
void i2c_enable_stretching (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_disable_stretching (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_7bit_addr_mode (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_10bit_addr_mode (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_7bit_address (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t addr)
void i2c_set_10bit_address (uint32_t i2c, uint16_t addr)
void i2c_set_write_transfer_dir (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_read_transfer_dir (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_set_bytes_to_transfer (uint32_t i2c, uint32_t n_bytes)
bool i2c_is_start (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_enable_autoend (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_disable_autoend (uint32_t i2c)
bool i2c_nack (uint32_t i2c)
bool i2c_busy (uint32_t i2c)
bool i2c_transmit_int_status (uint32_t i2c)
bool i2c_transfer_complete (uint32_t i2c)
bool i2c_received_data (uint32_t i2c)
void i2c_enable_interrupt (uint32_t i2c, uint32_t interrupt)
 I2C Enable Interrupt. More...
void i2c_disable_interrupt (uint32_t i2c, uint32_t interrupt)
 I2C Disable Interrupt. More...
void i2c_enable_rxdma (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Enable reception DMA. More...
void i2c_disable_rxdma (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Disable reception DMA. More...
void i2c_enable_txdma (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Enable transmission DMA. More...
void i2c_disable_txdma (uint32_t i2c)
 I2C Disable transmission DMA. More...
void i2c_transfer7 (uint32_t i2c, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *w, size_t wn, uint8_t *r, size_t rn)
 Run a write/read transaction to a given 7bit i2c address If both write & read are provided, the read will use repeated start. More...
void i2c_set_speed (uint32_t i2c, enum i2c_speeds speed, uint32_t clock_megahz)
 Set the i2c communication speed. More...

Detailed Description

Defined Constants and Types for the STM32F7xx I2C

04 April 2019

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Macro Definition Documentation

◆ I2C1_CR1

#define I2C1_CR1   I2C_CR1(I2C1)

Definition at line 58 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C1_CR2

#define I2C1_CR2   I2C_CR2(I2C1)

Definition at line 63 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C1_ICR

#define I2C1_ICR   I2C_ICR(I2C1)

Definition at line 93 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C1_ISR

#define I2C1_ISR   I2C_ISR(I2C1)

Definition at line 88 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C1_OAR1

#define I2C1_OAR1   I2C_OAR1(I2C1)

Definition at line 68 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C1_OAR2

#define I2C1_OAR2   I2C_OAR2(I2C1)

Definition at line 73 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C1_PECR   I2C_PECR(I2C1)

Definition at line 98 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C1_RXDR   I2C_RXDR(I2C1)

Definition at line 103 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 83 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C1_TIMINGR   I2C_TIMINGR(I2C1)

Definition at line 78 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C1_TXDR   I2C_TXDR(I2C1)

Definition at line 108 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_CR1

#define I2C2_CR1   I2C_CR1(I2C2)

Definition at line 59 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_CR2

#define I2C2_CR2   I2C_CR2(I2C2)

Definition at line 64 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_ICR

#define I2C2_ICR   I2C_ICR(I2C2)

Definition at line 94 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_ISR

#define I2C2_ISR   I2C_ISR(I2C2)

Definition at line 89 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_OAR1

#define I2C2_OAR1   I2C_OAR1(I2C2)

Definition at line 69 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C2_OAR2

#define I2C2_OAR2   I2C_OAR2(I2C2)

Definition at line 74 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C2_PECR   I2C_PECR(I2C2)

Definition at line 99 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C2_RXDR   I2C_RXDR(I2C2)

Definition at line 104 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 84 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C2_TIMINGR   I2C_TIMINGR(I2C2)

Definition at line 79 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C2_TXDR   I2C_TXDR(I2C2)

Definition at line 109 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_CR1

#define I2C_CR1 (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x00)

Definition at line 57 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 176 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN   (1 << 22)

Definition at line 130 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 157 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_DNF_MASK   0xF

DNF[3:0]: Digital noise filter.

Definition at line 160 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_DNF_SHIFT   8

Definition at line 161 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_ERRIE   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 164 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_GCEN   (1 << 19)

Definition at line 139 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_NACKIE   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 173 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH   (1 << 17)

Definition at line 145 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_CR1_PE

#define I2C_CR1_PE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 185 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_PECEN   (1 << 23)

Definition at line 127 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 151 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_RXIE   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 179 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_SBC   (1 << 16)

Definition at line 148 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN   (1 << 21)

Definition at line 133 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN   (1 << 20)

Definition at line 136 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_STOPIE   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 170 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_TCIE   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 167 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN   (1 << 14)

Definition at line 154 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_TXIE   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 182 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR1_WUPEN   (1 << 18)

Definition at line 142 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_CR2

#define I2C_CR2 (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x04)

Definition at line 62 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_CR2_ADD10

#define I2C_CR2_ADD10   (1 << 11)

Definition at line 215 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND   (1 << 25)

Definition at line 193 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 212 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_NACK   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 203 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 200 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_SHIFT   16

Definition at line 199 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE   (1 << 26)

Definition at line 190 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 218 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_RELOAD   (1 << 24)

Definition at line 196 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_SADD_10BIT_MASK   0x3FF

Definition at line 223 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_SADD_10BIT_SHIFT   0

Definition at line 221 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_MASK   (0x7F << I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_SHIFT)

Definition at line 222 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_SHIFT   1

Definition at line 220 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_START   (1 << 13)

Definition at line 209 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_CR2_STOP   (1 << 14)

Definition at line 206 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x1C)

Definition at line 92 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 385 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF   (1 << 13)

Definition at line 361 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF   (1 << 9)

Definition at line 373 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_BERRCF   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 376 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_NACKCF   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 382 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_OVRCF   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 370 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_PECCF   (1 << 11)

Definition at line 367 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_STOPCF   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 379 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 364 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x18)

Definition at line 87 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_ADDR   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 347 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_ALERT   (1 << 13)

Definition at line 317 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_ARLO   (1 << 9)

Definition at line 329 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_BERR   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 332 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_BUSY   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 314 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_DIR_READ   (0x1 << 16)

Definition at line 310 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_DIR_WRITE   (0x0 << 16)

Definition at line 311 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_NACKF   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 344 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_OVR   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 326 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_PECERR   (1 << 11)

Definition at line 323 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_RXNE   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 350 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_STOPF   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 341 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_TC   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 338 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_TCR   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 335 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 320 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_TXE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 356 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_ISR_TXIS   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 353 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR1

#define I2C_OAR1 (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x08)

Definition at line 67 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR1_OA1

#define I2C_OAR1_OA1   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 241 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR1_OA1_10BIT

#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_10BIT   1

Definition at line 243 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1_7BIT   0

Definition at line 242 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_DISABLE   (0x0 << 15)

Definition at line 228 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_ENABLE   (0x1 << 15)

Definition at line 229 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 232 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_10BIT   1

Definition at line 234 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_7BIT   0

Definition at line 233 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2

#define I2C_OAR2 (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x0c)

Definition at line 72 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 248 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_NO_CMP   (0x7 << 8)

Definition at line 258 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_NO_MASK   (0x0 << 8)

Definition at line 251 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7   (0x6 << 8)

Definition at line 257 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_2

#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_2   (0x1 << 8)

Definition at line 252 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_3

#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_3   (0x2 << 8)

Definition at line 253 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_4

#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_4   (0x3 << 8)

Definition at line 254 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_5

#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_5   (0x4 << 8)

Definition at line 255 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

◆ I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_6

#define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_OA2_7_OA2_6   (0x5 << 8)

Definition at line 256 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_PECR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x20)

Definition at line 97 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_RXDR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x24)

Definition at line 102 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TEXTEN   (1 << 31)

Definition at line 287 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIDLE_SCL_LOW   (0x0 << 12)

Definition at line 296 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIDLE_SCL_SDA_HIGH   (0x1 << 12)

Definition at line 297 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIEMOUTR_TIMOUTEN   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 293 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIMEOUTR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x14)

Definition at line 82 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIMINGR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x10)

Definition at line 77 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_MASK   (0xF << 28)

Definition at line 266 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 265 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 270 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 269 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 278 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 277 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 282 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 281 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 274 of file i2c_common_v2.h.



Definition at line 273 of file i2c_common_v2.h.


#define I2C_TXDR (   i2c_base)    MMIO32((i2c_base) + 0x28)

Definition at line 107 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ i2c_speeds

enum i2c_speeds

I2C speed modes.


Definition at line 396 of file i2c_common_v2.h.

Function Documentation

◆ i2c_busy()

bool i2c_busy ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 268 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ISR, and I2C_ISR_BUSY.

◆ i2c_clear_stop()

void i2c_clear_stop ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Clear Stop Flag.

Clear the "Send Stop" flag in the I2C config register

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 89 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ICR, and I2C_ICR_STOPCF.

◆ i2c_disable_analog_filter()

void i2c_disable_analog_filter ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 150 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, and I2C_CR1_ANFOFF.

◆ i2c_disable_autoend()

void i2c_disable_autoend ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 258 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_disable_interrupt()

void i2c_disable_interrupt ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint32_t  interrupt 

I2C Disable Interrupt.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.
[in]interruptUnsigned int32. Interrupt to disable.

Definition at line 306 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_disable_rxdma()

void i2c_disable_rxdma ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Disable reception DMA.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 326 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_disable_stretching()

void i2c_disable_stretching ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 205 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, and I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH.

◆ i2c_disable_txdma()

void i2c_disable_txdma ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Disable transmission DMA.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 346 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_enable_analog_filter()

void i2c_enable_analog_filter ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 145 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_enable_autoend()

void i2c_enable_autoend ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 253 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_AUTOEND.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_enable_interrupt()

void i2c_enable_interrupt ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint32_t  interrupt 

I2C Enable Interrupt.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.
[in]interruptUnsigned int32. Interrupt to enable.

Definition at line 295 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_enable_rxdma()

void i2c_enable_rxdma ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Enable reception DMA.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 316 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, and I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN.

◆ i2c_enable_stretching()

void i2c_enable_stretching ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 200 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_enable_txdma()

void i2c_enable_txdma ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Enable transmission DMA.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 336 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, and I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN.

◆ i2c_get_data()

uint8_t i2c_get_data ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Get Data.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 140 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_RXDR.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_is_start()

bool i2c_is_start ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 248 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_START.

◆ i2c_nack()

bool i2c_nack ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 263 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ISR, and I2C_ISR_NACKF.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_peripheral_disable()

void i2c_peripheral_disable ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Peripheral Disable.

This must not be reset while in Master mode until a communication has finished. In Slave mode, the peripheral is disabled only after communication has ended.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 48 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1.

◆ i2c_peripheral_enable()

void i2c_peripheral_enable ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Peripheral Enable.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 33 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, and I2C_CR1_PE.

◆ i2c_received_data()

bool i2c_received_data ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 283 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ISR, and I2C_ISR_RXNE.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_send_data()

void i2c_send_data ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  data 

I2C Send Data.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.
[in]dataUnsigned int8. Byte to send.

Definition at line 130 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_TXDR.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_send_start()

void i2c_send_start ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Send Start Condition.

If in Master mode this will cause a restart condition to occur at the end of the current transmission. If in Slave mode, this will initiate a start condition when the current bus activity is completed.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 63 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_START.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_send_stop()

void i2c_send_stop ( uint32_t  i2c)

I2C Send Stop Condition.

After the current byte transfer this will initiate a stop condition if in Master mode, or simply release the bus if in Slave mode.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.

Definition at line 77 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_STOP.

◆ i2c_set_10bit_addr_mode()

void i2c_set_10bit_addr_mode ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 215 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_ADD10.

◆ i2c_set_10bit_address()

void i2c_set_10bit_address ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint16_t  addr 

Definition at line 226 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_SADD_10BIT_SHIFT.

◆ i2c_set_7bit_addr_mode()

void i2c_set_7bit_addr_mode ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 210 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2.

◆ i2c_set_7bit_address()

void i2c_set_7bit_address ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  addr 

Definition at line 220 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_SADD_7BIT_SHIFT.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_bytes_to_transfer()

void i2c_set_bytes_to_transfer ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint32_t  n_bytes 

Definition at line 242 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_NBYTES_SHIFT.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_data_hold_time()

void i2c_set_data_hold_time ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  h_time 

Definition at line 182 of file i2c_common_v2.c.


Referenced by i2c_set_speed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_data_setup_time()

void i2c_set_data_setup_time ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  s_time 

Definition at line 176 of file i2c_common_v2.c.


Referenced by i2c_set_speed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_digital_filter()

void i2c_set_digital_filter ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  dnf_setting 

Set the I2C digital filter.

These bits are used to configure the digital noise filter on SDA and SCL input. The digital filter will filter spikes with a length of up to dnf_setting * I2CCLK clocks

i2cperipheral of interest
dnf_setting0 to disable, else 1..15 i2c clocks

Definition at line 163 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR1, I2C_CR1_DNF_MASK, and I2C_CR1_DNF_SHIFT.

◆ i2c_set_own_10bit_slave_address()

void i2c_set_own_10bit_slave_address ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint16_t  slave 

I2C Set the 10 bit Slave Address for the Peripheral.

This sets an address for Slave mode operation, in 10 bit form.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.
[in]slaveUnsigned int16. Slave address 0...1023.

Definition at line 118 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_OAR1, and I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE.

◆ i2c_set_own_7bit_slave_address()

void i2c_set_own_7bit_slave_address ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  slave 

I2C Set the 7 bit Slave Address for the Peripheral.

This sets an address for Slave mode operation, in 7 bit form.

[in]i2cUnsigned int32. I2C register base address I2C register base address.
[in]slaveUnsigned int8. Slave address 0...127.

Definition at line 103 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_OAR1.

◆ i2c_set_prescaler()

void i2c_set_prescaler ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  presc 

Definition at line 170 of file i2c_common_v2.c.


Referenced by i2c_set_speed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_read_transfer_dir()

void i2c_set_read_transfer_dir ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 237 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2, and I2C_CR2_RD_WRN.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_scl_high_period()

void i2c_set_scl_high_period ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  period 

Definition at line 188 of file i2c_common_v2.c.


Referenced by i2c_set_speed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_scl_low_period()

void i2c_set_scl_low_period ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  period 

Definition at line 194 of file i2c_common_v2.c.


Referenced by i2c_set_speed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_speed()

void i2c_set_speed ( uint32_t  i2c,
enum i2c_speeds  speed,
uint32_t  clock_megahz 

Set the i2c communication speed.

NOTE: 1MHz mode not yet implemented! Min clock speed: 8MHz for FM, 2Mhz for SM,

i2cperipheral, eg I2C1
speedone of the listed speed modes i2c_speeds
clock_megahzi2c peripheral clock speed in MHz. Usually, rcc_apb1_frequency / 1e6

Definition at line 420 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References i2c_set_data_hold_time(), i2c_set_data_setup_time(), i2c_set_prescaler(), i2c_set_scl_high_period(), i2c_set_scl_low_period(), i2c_speed_fm_400k, i2c_speed_fmp_1m, and i2c_speed_sm_100k.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ i2c_set_write_transfer_dir()

void i2c_set_write_transfer_dir ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 232 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_CR2.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_transfer7()

void i2c_transfer7 ( uint32_t  i2c,
uint8_t  addr,
const uint8_t *  w,
size_t  wn,
uint8_t *  r,
size_t  rn 

Run a write/read transaction to a given 7bit i2c address If both write & read are provided, the read will use repeated start.

Both write and read are optional

i2cperipheral of choice, eg I2C1
addr7 bit i2c device address
wbuffer of data to write
wnlength of w
rdestination buffer to read into
rnnumber of bytes to read (r should be at least this long)

Definition at line 362 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References i2c_disable_autoend(), i2c_enable_autoend(), i2c_get_data(), i2c_nack(), i2c_received_data(), i2c_send_data(), i2c_send_start(), i2c_set_7bit_address(), i2c_set_bytes_to_transfer(), i2c_set_read_transfer_dir(), i2c_set_write_transfer_dir(), i2c_transfer_complete(), and i2c_transmit_int_status().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ i2c_transfer_complete()

bool i2c_transfer_complete ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 278 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ISR, and I2C_ISR_TC.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ i2c_transmit_int_status()

bool i2c_transmit_int_status ( uint32_t  i2c)

Definition at line 273 of file i2c_common_v2.c.

References I2C_ISR, and I2C_ISR_TXIS.

Referenced by i2c_transfer7().

Here is the caller graph for this function: