A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
Macros | |
#define | USART_ISR_TXFT BIT27 |
TX FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_RXFT BIT26 |
RX FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_TCBGT BIT25 |
Transmission Complete before Guard Time Interrupt Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_RXFF BIT24 |
RX FIFO Full Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_TXFE BIT23 |
TX FIFO Empty Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_UDR BIT13 |
SPI Slave Underrun Flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_REACK (1 << 22) |
REACK: Receive enable acknowledge flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_TEACK (1 << 21) |
TEACK: Transmit enable acknowledge flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_WUF (1 << 20) |
WUF: Wakeup from Stop mode flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_RWU (1 << 19) |
RWU: Receiver wakeup from Mute mode. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_SBKF (1 << 18) |
SBKF: Send break flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_CMF (1 << 17) |
CMF: Character match flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_BUSY (1 << 16) |
BUSY: Busy flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_ABRF (1 << 15) |
ABRF: Auto baud rate flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_ABRE (1 << 14) |
ABRE: Auto baud rate error. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_EOBF (1 << 12) |
EOBF: End of block flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_RTOF (1 << 11) |
RTOF: Receiver timeout. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_CTS (1 << 10) |
CTS: CTS flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_CTSIF (1 << 9) |
CTSIF: CTS interrupt flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_LBDF (1 << 8) |
LBDF: LIN break detection flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_TXE (1 << 7) |
TXE: Transmit data register empty. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_TC (1 << 6) |
TC: Transmission complete. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_RXNE (1 << 5) |
RXNE: Read data register not empty. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_IDLE (1 << 4) |
IDLE: Idle line detected. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_ORE (1 << 3) |
ORE: Overrun error. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_NF (1 << 2) |
NF: Noise detected flag. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_FE (1 << 1) |
FE: Framing error. More... | |
#define | USART_ISR_PE (1 << 0) |
PE: Parity error. More... | |
#define USART_ISR_ABRE (1 << 14) |
ABRE: Auto baud rate error.
Definition at line 516 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_ABRF (1 << 15) |
ABRF: Auto baud rate flag.
Definition at line 513 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_BUSY (1 << 16) |
BUSY: Busy flag.
Definition at line 510 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_CMF (1 << 17) |
CMF: Character match flag.
Definition at line 507 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_CTS (1 << 10) |
CTS: CTS flag.
Definition at line 525 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_CTSIF (1 << 9) |
CTSIF: CTS interrupt flag.
Definition at line 528 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_EOBF (1 << 12) |
EOBF: End of block flag.
Definition at line 519 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_FE (1 << 1) |
FE: Framing error.
Definition at line 552 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_IDLE (1 << 4) |
IDLE: Idle line detected.
Definition at line 543 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_LBDF (1 << 8) |
LBDF: LIN break detection flag.
Definition at line 531 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_NF (1 << 2) |
NF: Noise detected flag.
Definition at line 549 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_ORE (1 << 3) |
ORE: Overrun error.
Definition at line 546 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_PE (1 << 0) |
PE: Parity error.
Definition at line 555 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_REACK (1 << 22) |
REACK: Receive enable acknowledge flag.
Definition at line 492 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_RTOF (1 << 11) |
RTOF: Receiver timeout.
Definition at line 522 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_RWU (1 << 19) |
RWU: Receiver wakeup from Mute mode.
Definition at line 501 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_RXFF BIT24 |
RX FIFO Full Flag.
Definition at line 78 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_RXFT BIT26 |
RX FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag.
Definition at line 74 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_RXNE (1 << 5) |
RXNE: Read data register not empty.
Definition at line 540 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_SBKF (1 << 18) |
SBKF: Send break flag.
Definition at line 504 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_TC (1 << 6) |
TC: Transmission complete.
Definition at line 537 of file usart_common_v2.h.
Transmission Complete before Guard Time Interrupt Flag.
Definition at line 76 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_TEACK (1 << 21) |
TEACK: Transmit enable acknowledge flag.
Definition at line 495 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_TXE (1 << 7) |
TXE: Transmit data register empty.
Definition at line 534 of file usart_common_v2.h.
#define USART_ISR_TXFE BIT23 |
TX FIFO Empty Flag.
Definition at line 80 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_TXFT BIT27 |
TX FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag.
Definition at line 72 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_UDR BIT13 |
SPI Slave Underrun Flag.
Definition at line 82 of file usart_common_fifos.h.
#define USART_ISR_WUF (1 << 20) |
WUF: Wakeup from Stop mode flag.
Definition at line 498 of file usart_common_v2.h.