A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
Peripheral APIs

APIs for device peripherals. More...

Collaboration diagram for Peripheral APIs:


 DMA peripheral API
 DMA library for the multi channel controller found in F0/1/3 & L/G parts.
 RCC peripheral API
 libopencm3 STM32L0xx Reset and Clock Control
 ADC peripheral API
 CRC peripheral API
 CRS peripheral API
 (USB) STM32 Clock Recovery Subsystem
 EXTI peripheral API
 FLASH peripheral API
 GPIO peripheral API
 I2C peripheral API
 IWDG peripheral API
 LPTIM peripheral API
 PWR peripheral API
 RNG peripheral API
 This library supports "version 1" of the random number generator peripheral (RNG) in the STM32 series of ARM Cortex Microcontrollers by ST Microelectronics.
 RTC peripheral API
 SPI peripheral API
 TIMER peripheral API
 USART peripheral API

Detailed Description

APIs for device peripherals.