A free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers.
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rcc.c File Reference
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void rcc_osc_ready_int_clear (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_osc_ready_int_enable (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_osc_ready_int_disable (enum rcc_osc osc)
int rcc_osc_ready_int_flag (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_css_int_clear (void)
int rcc_css_int_flag (void)
bool rcc_is_osc_ready (enum rcc_osc osc)
 Is the given oscillator ready? More...
void rcc_wait_for_osc_ready (enum rcc_osc osc)
 Wait for Oscillator Ready. More...
void rcc_wait_for_sysclk_status (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_osc_on (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_osc_off (enum rcc_osc osc)
void rcc_css_enable (void)
void rcc_css_disable (void)
void rcc_plli2s_config (uint16_t n, uint8_t r)
 Set the dividers for the PLLI2S clock outputs. More...
void rcc_pllsai_config (uint16_t n, uint16_t p, uint16_t q, uint16_t r)
 Set the dividers for the PLLSAI clock outputs divider p is only available on F4x9 parts, pass 0 for other parts. More...
void rcc_pllsai_postscalers (uint8_t q, uint8_t r)
 Set the dedicated dividers after the PLLSAI configuration. More...
void rcc_set_sysclk_source (uint32_t clk)
void rcc_set_pll_source (uint32_t pllsrc)
void rcc_set_ppre2 (uint32_t ppre2)
void rcc_set_ppre1 (uint32_t ppre1)
void rcc_set_hpre (uint32_t hpre)
void rcc_set_rtcpre (uint32_t rtcpre)
void rcc_set_main_pll_hsi (uint32_t pllm, uint32_t plln, uint32_t pllp, uint32_t pllq, uint32_t pllr)
 Reconfigures the main PLL for a HSI source. More...
void rcc_set_main_pll_hse (uint32_t pllm, uint32_t plln, uint32_t pllp, uint32_t pllq, uint32_t pllr)
 Reconfigures the main PLL for a HSE source. More...
uint32_t rcc_system_clock_source (void)
void rcc_clock_setup_pll (const struct rcc_clock_scale *clock)
 Setup clocks to run from PLL. More...
void rcc_clock_setup_hse_3v3 (const struct rcc_clock_scale *clock)
 Setup clocks with the HSE. More...
uint32_t rcc_get_usart_clk_freq (uint32_t usart)
 Get the peripheral clock speed for the USART at base specified. More...
uint32_t rcc_get_timer_clk_freq (uint32_t timer)
 Get the peripheral clock speed for the Timer at base specified. More...
uint32_t rcc_get_i2c_clk_freq (uint32_t i2c)
 Get the peripheral clock speed for the I2C device at base specified. More...
uint32_t rcc_get_spi_clk_freq (uint32_t spi)
 Get the peripheral clock speed for the SPI device at base specified. More...


uint32_t rcc_ahb_frequency = 16000000
uint32_t rcc_apb1_frequency = 16000000
uint32_t rcc_apb2_frequency = 16000000
const struct rcc_clock_scale rcc_hsi_configs [RCC_CLOCK_3V3_END]
const struct rcc_clock_scale rcc_hse_8mhz_3v3 [RCC_CLOCK_3V3_END]
const struct rcc_clock_scale rcc_hse_12mhz_3v3 [RCC_CLOCK_3V3_END]
const struct rcc_clock_scale rcc_hse_16mhz_3v3 [RCC_CLOCK_3V3_END]
const struct rcc_clock_scale rcc_hse_25mhz_3v3 [RCC_CLOCK_3V3_END]