void | adc_enable_analog_watchdog_regular (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog for Regular Conversions. More...
void | adc_disable_analog_watchdog_regular (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog for Regular Conversions. More...
void | adc_enable_analog_watchdog_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog for Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_disable_analog_watchdog_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Analog Watchdog for Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_enable_discontinuous_mode_regular (uint32_t adc, uint8_t length) |
| ADC Enable Discontinuous Mode for Regular Conversions. More...
void | adc_disable_discontinuous_mode_regular (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Discontinuous Mode for Regular Conversions. More...
void | adc_enable_discontinuous_mode_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Discontinuous Mode for Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_disable_discontinuous_mode_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Discontinuous Mode for Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_enable_automatic_injected_group_conversion (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Automatic Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_disable_automatic_injected_group_conversion (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Automatic Injected Conversions. More...
void | adc_enable_analog_watchdog_on_all_channels (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog for All Regular and/or Injected Channels. More...
void | adc_enable_analog_watchdog_on_selected_channel (uint32_t adc, uint8_t channel) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog for a Selected Channel. More...
void | adc_enable_eoc_interrupt_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Injected End-Of-Conversion Interrupt. More...
void | adc_disable_eoc_interrupt_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Injected End-Of-Conversion Interrupt. More...
void | adc_enable_eos_interrupt_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Injected End-Of-Sequence Interrupt. More...
void | adc_disable_eos_interrupt_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Injected End-Of-Sequence Interrupt. More...
void | adc_enable_all_awd_interrupt (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Analog Watchdog Interrupt. More...
void | adc_disable_all_awd_interrupt (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Analog Watchdog Interrupt. More...
void | adc_enable_eos_interrupt (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Regular End-Of-Sequence Interrupt. More...
void | adc_disable_eos_interrupt (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Regular End-Of-Sequence Interrupt. More...
void | adc_start_conversion_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Software Triggered Conversion on Injected Channels. More...
void | adc_set_watchdog_high_threshold (uint32_t adc, uint16_t threshold) |
| ADC Set Analog Watchdog Upper Threshold. More...
void | adc_set_watchdog_low_threshold (uint32_t adc, uint16_t threshold) |
| ADC Set Analog Watchdog Lower Threshold. More...
void | adc_set_injected_sequence (uint32_t adc, uint8_t length, uint8_t channel[]) |
| ADC Set an Injected Channel Conversion Sequence. More...
bool | adc_eoc_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Read the End-of-Conversion Flag for Injected Conversion. More...
bool | adc_eos_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Read the End-of-Sequence Flag for Injected Conversions. More...
uint32_t | adc_read_injected (uint32_t adc, uint8_t reg) |
| ADC Read from an Injected Conversion Result Register. More...
void | adc_set_injected_offset (uint32_t adc, uint8_t reg, uint32_t offset) |
| ADC Set the Injected Channel Data Offset. More...
void | adc_set_clk_source (uint32_t adc, uint32_t source) |
| ADC Set Clock Source. More...
void | adc_set_clk_prescale (uint32_t adc, uint32_t prescale) |
| ADC Set Clock Prescale. More...
void | adc_set_multi_mode (uint32_t adc, uint32_t mode) |
| ADC set multi mode. More...
void | adc_enable_external_trigger_regular (uint32_t adc, uint32_t trigger, uint32_t polarity) |
| ADC Enable an External Trigger for Regular Channels. More...
void | adc_disable_external_trigger_regular (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable an External Trigger for Regular Channels. More...
void | adc_enable_external_trigger_injected (uint32_t adc, uint32_t trigger, uint32_t polarity) |
| ADC Enable an External Trigger for Injected Channels. More...
void | adc_disable_external_trigger_injected (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable an External Trigger for Injected Channels. More...
bool | adc_awd (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Read the Analog Watchdog Flag. More...
void | adc_enable_deeppwd (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Enable Deep-Power-Down Mdoe. More...
void | adc_disable_deeppwd (uint32_t adc) |
| ADC Disable Deep-Power-Down Mdoe. More...
void | adc_enable_regulator (uint32_t adc) |
| Enable the ADC Voltage regulator Before any use of the ADC, the ADC Voltage regulator must be enabled. More...
void | adc_disable_regulator (uint32_t adc) |
| Disable the ADC Voltage regulator You can disable the adc vreg when not in use to save power. More...