void | usart_set_baudrate (uint32_t usart, uint32_t baud) |
| USART Set Baudrate. More...
void | usart_set_databits (uint32_t usart, uint32_t bits) |
| USART Set Word Length. More...
void | usart_set_stopbits (uint32_t usart, uint32_t stopbits) |
| USART Set Stop Bit(s). More...
void | usart_set_parity (uint32_t usart, uint32_t parity) |
| USART Set Parity. More...
void | usart_set_mode (uint32_t usart, uint32_t mode) |
| USART Set Rx/Tx Mode. More...
void | usart_set_flow_control (uint32_t usart, uint32_t flowcontrol) |
| USART Set Hardware Flow Control. More...
void | usart_enable (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Enable. More...
void | usart_disable (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Disable. More...
void | usart_send_blocking (uint32_t usart, uint16_t data) |
| USART Send Data Word with Blocking. More...
uint16_t | usart_recv_blocking (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Read a Received Data Word with Blocking. More...
void | usart_enable_rx_dma (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Receiver DMA Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_rx_dma (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Receiver DMA Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_tx_dma (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmitter DMA Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_tx_dma (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmitter DMA Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_rx_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Receiver Interrupt Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_rx_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Receiver Interrupt Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_tx_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmitter Interrupt Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_tx_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmitter Interrupt Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_tx_complete_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_tx_complete_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Transmission Complete Interrupt Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_idle_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Idle Interrupt Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_idle_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Idle Interrupt Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_error_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Error Interrupt Enable. More...
void | usart_disable_error_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Error Interrupt Disable. More...
void | usart_enable_data_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART enable data inversion. More...
void | usart_disable_data_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART disable data inversion. More...
void | usart_enable_tx_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Enable TX pin active level inversion. More...
void | usart_disable_tx_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Disable TX pin active level inversion. More...
void | usart_enable_rx_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Enable RX pin active level inversion. More...
void | usart_disable_rx_inversion (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Disable RX pin active level inversion. More...
void | usart_enable_halfduplex (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Enable Half-duplex. More...
void | usart_disable_halfduplex (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Disable Half-duplex. More...
void | usart_set_rx_timeout_value (uint32_t usart, uint32_t value) |
| USART Set receiver timeout value. More...
void | usart_enable_rx_timeout (uint32_t usart) |
| USART enable receive timeout function. More...
void | usart_disable_rx_timeout (uint32_t usart) |
| USART disable receive timeout function. More...
void | usart_enable_rx_timeout_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART enable receive timeout interrupt. More...
void | usart_disable_rx_timeout_interrupt (uint32_t usart) |
| USART disable receive timeout interrupt. More...
void | usart_send (uint32_t usart, uint16_t data) |
| USART Send a Data Word. More...
uint16_t | usart_recv (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Read a Received Data Word. More...
void | usart_wait_send_ready (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Wait for Transmit Data Buffer Empty. More...
void | usart_wait_recv_ready (uint32_t usart) |
| USART Wait for Received Data Available. More...
bool | usart_get_flag (uint32_t usart, uint32_t flag) |
| USART Read a Status Flag. More...